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Le blog de Khaos Farbauti Ibn Oblivion. Une vision du monde cynique et poétique.

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Radis radioactif et Grosse banane

Les différentes versions de Ubuntu portaient déjà des noms relativement originaux (Hoary Hedgehog, Breezy Badger,...)
Et bien il semblerait que chaque release de kernel dispose aussi de son petit nom particulier :


zcat /usr/share/doc/linux-image-2.6.10-5-k7/changelog.Debian.gz | egrep -e "Release"

The "Gracious Gooseberry" Release.
The "Prickly Pear" Release.
The "Melon" Release.
The "Succulent Strawberries" Release.
The "Big Banana" Release.
The "Radioactive Radish" Release.
The "Atomic Artichoke" Release.
The "Crunchy Corn" Release.
The "Crispy Chicken" Release.


zcat /usr/share/doc/linux-image-2.6.12-3-k7/changelog.Debian.gz | egrep -e "Release"

The "Morose Mungbean" Release.
The "Laughing Lentil" Release.
The "Bashful Brazil" Release.
The "Perky Pecan" Release.
The "Wacky Walnut" Release.
The "Merry Macadamia" Release.
The "Cheerful Chestnut" Release.
The "Happy Hazel" Release.
The "Succulent Strawberries" Release.
The "Big Banana" Release.
The "Radioactive Radish" Release.
The "Atomic Artichoke" Release.
The "Crunchy Corn" Release.
The "Crispy Chicken" Release.

Khaos Farbauti Ibn Oblivion

Auteur: Khaos Farbauti Ibn Oblivion

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