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White Wolf Wiki

Un petit billet pour vous parler de ce projet ambitieux : White Wolf Wiki

L'objectif de ce wiki : devenir la source la plus complète sur les jeux White vu de la grande quantité de bouquins produits jusqu'à présent, il y a du boulot.

Mais bonne chance à eux tout de même, j'essayerais d'y apporter ma pierre le moment venu.

Khaos Farbauti Ibn Oblivion

Auteur: Khaos Farbauti Ibn Oblivion

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Cyric (Habitué) ·  20 mai 2005, 20:18

Prometteur cela me semble.

J'ai cependant trois regrets : 1) un regret purement sentimental en voyant le "old" dans la section "old world of darkness", 2) un regret purement professionnel en ne voyant pas de rubrique "dark ages" et 3) un regret de constatation devant le vide qui domine pour l'instant.

Bonne initiative néanmoins, merci de l'info.

Ian (Passant) ·  05 juin 2005, 01:32

Pardonnez-moi, le Français n'est pas ma langue première.

Vous pouvez voir "Dark Ages" dans le section "old World of Darkness."

Es-ce que "Original World of Darkness" c'est meilleur?

Khaos Farbauti Ibn Oblivion (Toujours là) ·  05 juin 2005, 09:37

Cyric will be glad to hear that Dark Age is included in the wiki.

Don't worry about the "old" part, we're just getting nostalgic.

Anyway, thanks for your efforts in the wiki project and i hope i'll help contribute someday.

Cyric (Habitué) ·  05 juin 2005, 19:12

Indeed I've seen that "dark ages" is in the "old world of darkness" section, with all the additionnal games (mummy, kindred east etc..).

"Ancient" or "Old", the aim is to recognize the game we used to play (and will play again!!) and this new thing they dare to launch. Speaking of the dead-collector-ancient-old wod, in France we'll say "l'ancien" (and my players are conditioned to say "the true" or even better "the real" ;o) but in the rest of the world perhaps "old" is more appropriate. Whatever, "old" is understable and brings a kind of mythlore ;o)

I'm not nostalgic, i just want to go back in the past, storytell again with my players and the old wod rules in the same conditions and incarnate my beloved Vykos again (a).

Wiki is filling well and I wish you a long life.

PS: Your french skills are pretty good Ian.

Cyric (Habitué) ·  05 juin 2005, 20:08

Le point positif est que nous sommes des Old Players et/ou des Old Storytellers maintenant ;o)

"Enfin... si ça se trouve la nouvelle édition va être bien", dit-il sans conviction.

Ian (Passant) ·  21 juin 2005, 05:33

Khaos: "Anyway, thanks for your efforts in the wiki project and i hope i'll help contribute someday."

Thanks! I hope to see some of your contributions!

Cyric: "(and my players are conditioned to say "the true" or even better "the real" ;o)"

Heh. (: Maybe "classic," like the difference between "New Coke" and "Coke Classic?"

"PS: Your french skills are pretty good Ian."

Thanks! I always start to wonder when how good I am when I start speaking French, and everyone else then switches to English. ;)

If any of you would like to start adding content in French, I suggest starting a French main page:

Add any relevant material you like, just add "Fr:" to the beginning of any-French only links. (:

Khaos Farbauti Ibn Oblivion (Toujours là) ·  21 juin 2005, 17:11

>Thanks! I always start to wonder when how good I am when I start speaking French, and everyone else then switches to English. ;)

Si besoin nous pouvons repasser en Français ;)

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